
Occupational therapy at Kaffeetrichter Erfurt




+49 361 26493115

The individual ...


“There are two ways to live your life: either as if nothing were a miracle, or as if everything were a miracle.”

(Albert Einstein)

Occupational therapy is a recognized remedy and is prescribed by doctors as motor-functional, psycho-functional, sensorimotor-perceptive treatment and as brain performance training. Occupational therapists are mainly used in pediatrics, psychiatry, geriatrics, neurology, orthopaedics and facilities for mentally and/or physically impaired people.

Ergotherapie am Kaffeetrichter Erfurt - Vernetzung im eurologischen Erkrankungen oder Schädigungen des Zentralen Nervensystems

Neurology ...

deals with the treatment of neurological diseases or damage to the central nervous system.

These usually exhibit very complex disorders that lead to temporary or permanent restrictions in the ability to act.

Common diseases include:

  • Condition after a stroke
  • Spinal cord diseases and injuries (spinal cord injuries)
  • Craniocerebral injuries
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
  • Peripheral and central nerve lesions

Goals include:

  • Improvement of gross/fine motor skill disorders
  • Relearning balance functions and coordination
  • Activation of perception
  • Training memory and concentration
  • Training for everyday activities
  • Adaptation of the domestic and professional environment
  • Advice on medical aids
Ergotherapie am Kaffeetrichter Erfurt - Fachbereich Orthopädie - Rheumatische Hände

Orthopaedics / Rheumatology ...

deals with congenital or acquired malformations and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Common diseases include:

  • Injuries to bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves 
  • Congenital and acquired malformations of all extremities
  • Signs of wear and tear and diseases of all joints
  • Diseases of the rheumatic form
    (e.g. arthrosis, osteoporosis)
  • Tumors of the bones
  • Overload syndromes
  • degenerative processes

Goals include:

  • Restoration and maintenance of gross/fine motor skills, muscle strength and sensitivity
  • Improving endurance and resilience
  • Compliance with joint protection
  • Learning compensatory and low-pain movement sequences
  • Advice on medical aids
  • Adaptation of the domestic and professional living environment
  • Stabilization of the psychological situation
Ergotherapie am Kaffeetrichter Erfurt - Fachbereich Chirurgie - Person mit Narbe bekommt eine Handtherapie

Surgery ...

deals with the follow-up treatment of injuries after surgical interventions and any resulting secondary diseases.

Common diseases include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Dupuytren's contractures
  • CRPS (Sudeck's disease)
  • Flexor and extensor tendon injuries of the hand
  • Burns
  • Peripheral nerve injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries of the upper extremity
  • Fractures
  • Amputations
  • hallux valgus

Goals include:

  • Improve mobility, dexterity and coordination
  • Build muscle strength, resilience and endurance
  • Training for everyday activities
  • Edema treatment
  • Scar massage and care
  • Advice and training on joint protection
  • Hardening of amputation stumps and training with prosthesis
  • Advice on medical aids
Ergotherapie am Kaffeetrichter Erfurt - Fachbereich Psychotherapie - Junge Dame steht in Balance auf einem Pfeiler

Psychiatry ...

treats patients of all ages with neurotic, psychotic and psychosomatic disorders.

Common diseases include:

  • Depression
  • Organic brain psychosyndromes
  • Mental disorders in children and adolescents
  • Neurotic and somatoform stress disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • schizotypal and delusional disorders
  • Affective disorders
  • Addictive disorders

Goals include:

  • Increasing mental and physical resilience
  • Teaching coping strategies
  • Improvement in self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Training in self-help skills in the home environment
  • Improvement of action planning and execution
  • Promotion of basic work skills
Ergotherapie am Kaffeetrichter Erfurt - Fachbereich - Geriatrie - Älterer Person wird ein Gehstock gereicht

Geriatrics ...

deals with ageing people. They often suffer from complex impairments to their independence and ability to act due to multiple illnesses. Depending on the severity of the illnesses, this can lead to considerable physical, psychological and social stress (e.g. changes to the living situation).

Common diseases include:

  • Degenerative diseases of the skeletal system
    (osteoporosis, arthrosis)
  • Diseases of the rheumatic form
  • Condition after a stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Age-related depression
  • Dementia (dementia, Alzheimer's disease)

Goals include:

  • Maintaining basic mobility
  • Improvement of action and movement planning and its implementation
  • Training for everyday activities
  • Training memory and concentration
  • Avoiding dependency and isolation
  • Provision of aids and training
Ergotherapie am Kaffeetrichter Erfurt - Fachbereich Pädiatrie - Kind macht Schreibübungen

Pediatrics ....

deals with children and young people whose development is delayed, who are restricted in their ability to act and their independence or who are affected by congenital or acquired disabilities.

Common diseases include:

  • motor development delays
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Hyperactivity
  • Learning disorders
  • Down syndrome
  • Klinefelder syndrome
  • Behavioral problems
  • Perceptual disorders

Goals include:

  • Improving perception
  • Building concentration and endurance
  • Training of fine and gross motor skills
  • Parental counseling
  • Cooperation with school and kindergarten
    (at the request of the parents)

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We look forward to helping you!